Friday, February 26, 2010

God is good all the time . . .

. . . and all the time God is good! In earlier posts we introduced you to Tina and her amazing journey in faith. She has endured many struggles over the past year. The death of her husband in an auto accident. A partial loss of use in her right arm and leg as part of that same accident. But, through it all she has kept her eyes on the one who provides, the one who supports and the one who sustains, our Heavenly Father. You may remember that she had a little girl in September and we named her Faith. Take a look at Faith now! God has provided Tina with a beautiful little girl, a testament to her faith in Jesus Christ. May God continue to be glorified in the life of Tina and Faith. May Tina share her faith and testimony as she shares the story of her little girl.
"I pray that you may be active in sharing your faith, so that you will have a full understanding of every good thing we have in Christ." Philemon :6

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Celebrating Jesus' love on Valentine's Day

On this day of celebrating love, we were able to share with those at Lugoba Baptist Church the most important love all all, the love of Jesus Christ! Andrew was able to share through Scripture the importance of love as commanded in John 15. Our prayer is that the love of Jesus would shine through each and every day in the lives of those in this church, this community and throughout Kampala.

This picture cannot fully capture the outpouring of love this sister in Christ is laying at our Father's feet. She worships in song, totally unaware of those around. Her only focus is on the one who died for her, who shed His blood for her and who has prepared a place in heaven for her.

Here is one of my favorite young friends, Ivan, getting ready to sing "Go Light Your Candle". This song simply encourages each one to grab the hand of another and share the love of Jesus. A simple message with eternal consequences! Praise God for these young people, dedicated to sharing God's love through music.

"I will sing of the Lord's great love forever; with my mouth I will make your faithfulness known through all generations." Psalms 89:1